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The following is the transcript from Squeaky's first press conference concerning the debut of his new "Squeaky's Recorder Playhouse" website.

Reporter:  "Squeaky, Can you tell us why you created this website?"

Reporter: "Would you please step up to the microphone."
Squeaky:  "Oh, um, sorry about that, can you hear me now?"  I don't usually appear in public, so I'm a little nervous.  As I was saying, I created this site because students were always saying my name when they played.  'Squeaky had a little lamb, Squeaky, little lamb, Squeaky, little Squeaky'".

Reporter:  "Is is possible for students who do not play the recorder to use this site?"
Squeaky:  "Yes, yes, anyone can use this site to learn about music.  The rhythms and notes sections contain excellent tutorial and practice pages for any musician, and the music in the songbook can be played on any instrument pitched in the key of C, such as the recorder, the flute,  the piano, the guitar, the xylophone, the Jew's harp etc."

Reporter: "Squeaky, what experiences do you have playing the recorder that you think will help your students avoid the many traps of music study?"
Squeaky: "TRAPS!?! Well, I've spent my whole life avoiding them!  Unfortunately, my Great Grand-Pappie wasn't so lucky.  In 19and47 he was a musician performing with the infamous "Mouse-ka-teers" orchestra.  They were right in the middle of their premiere performance when "BAM", he missed the repeat sign. Great Grand-Pappie was never the same. But, I digress.  Back to your question, I spent many years playing in the Mousecorders, please, no autographs until after the interview.  Now I am eager to share my knowledge with the outstanding musicians of this era. 

Reporter: "What do you see as the greatest challenge facing beginning musicians?"
Squeaky: "Well, first of all, these youngsters of today don't know how to practice.  They just keep playing bad notes and rhythms over and over.  Worst of all, when they miss a section of the music, they just start over at the beginning and play until they miss it again. My Great Grand-Pappie always said that bad practice equals bad performances.  My room for practicing will teach these youngsters the steps involved with productive practicing as well as what to do when you cannot seem to play a section of the music."

Reporter: "What about squeaks?"
Squeaky: "Next question please."

Reporter: "How does your site address the squeaking epidemic?"
Squeaky: "No more questions?"

Reporter:  "Squeaky, according to a report released yesterday from  the CDP (Center for Disastrous Playing) squeaking is at an all time high.  You cannot just ignore this crisis.  What  are you doing to combat this infectious situation?"
: "Well, squeaking has long been tricky trap to avoid and I've lost many a good afternoon's nap due to these kids constantly yelling my name.   I'm definitely ready for a good afternoon of peace and quiet, so I created a special page with tips on ways to stop squeaking when playing the recorder.

Reporter:  "One of the main problems many students face is knowing when they play a song correctly.  Do you just expect the students to assume they played each of the songs in your Songbook correctly?"
"Well of course I do!  These youngsters are very bright, but I have heard many a mom or dad question a student's performance.  So, to help mom and dad know when the student is playing correctly, they can use the tools in the Songbook.  When the student selects a song, they can listen to it by pushing the play button.  The notes even flash to help mom and dad keep up with what is happening.  Once the student can play the song, record their performance by selecting the respective button.  Parents can even have me grade the performance by selecting the Assessment button.  I will color the notes the student plays correctly in green and mark any pitches or rhythms they missed in red.  Of course, mom and dad must download my "Finale Performance Assessment" program before I can record or grade any performances.   Students can also print the songs in my Songbook.

Reporter:  "Speaking of the songs, how did you select the music found in the songbook?"
Squeaky: "I gathered the songs from my personal Kodaly Song collection. It is filled with authentic folk songs appropriate for elementary level music instruction.  The songs are all public domain and have been rewritten using Finale Music Notation software as to avoid any copyright infringements placed on the actual fonts used in other music collections.  Each song has been scrupulously examined for educational content and accuracy before receiving approval by Kodaly police officers D. Garrett, S. Garrett and K. Shuford."

Reporter: "You have a room in your playhouse titled The Recorder. What is in this room and why should students play there?"
Squeaky:  "This page contains all the links a student ever needs to learn about the recorder.  From this page, you can learn how to hold a recorder,  how to finger each note and how to read a fingering chart.  Students can also take quizzes and most important, learn how to stop squeaking!

Reporter:  "Tell me about your Quizzes."
Squeaky:  "My Quizzes page is a great place for the students to test their understanding of the recorder fingerings and the notes of the treble clef.  Each section contains multiple quizzes which increase in difficulty as they progress.  Students receive immediate feedback when they answer a question and can repeat a question until they determine the correct answer."

Reporter:  "What is included in your Links page?
Squeaky:   "The Links page contains information for students, parents and teachers.  There are links on musical topics such as the instruments of the orchestra and the history of instruments and musicians.  Teachers may enjoy looking at the links for music education, musical fonts, music programs and upcoming performances in the East Tennessee region.

Reporter: "What is the best way for a beginning musician to use this site?"
Squeaky:  "Beginning musicians should start in the Notes room.  After they read the material, encourage them to take the Quizzes to test their understanding of the treble clef notes.  Once the musician has passed the quizzes, they may want to explore the Rhythms page.  Next, be sure to look at the information on the Recorder page, and of course, take the Fingering Quizzes.  Just before looking at the Songbook, the students should read through the Practicing guide.  Once these things have been done, the student is prepared to play the Beginning Level I songs in the Songbook

Reporter: "Squeaky, thank you for your time.  You have created a wonderful site where young musicians can learn to read and perform music.
Squeaky: "Thank you."



   ©2005-2009 Nancy Philbeck